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Name:By-Pass Variable Air Volume Box

Sinro By-pass Single Duct VAV box is a single duct pressure dependent air terminal unit, designed for use with popular constant volume low and medium pressure packaged air handling systems or roof top air conditioning units at low prime cost. Units can be used in cooling or heating/cooling system. Excess air is “dumping” (bypassed) directly to the return air ceiling plenum for free or ducted return. That is, regardless of the position of the bypass damper, the airflow into the unit can remain relatively constant.


1. 0.8mm galvanized steel casing with round or flat oval inlets. Outlets are rectangular with slip and drive connections.

2. Can match with pneumatic Control, Analog Electronic Control or Direct Digital Control (DDC);

3. Precise size of coated galvanized steel damper, plate45° rotation. Perfect air proof;

4. Leakage is less than 1% of max air volume at 1000Pa inlet static pressure;

5. 25mm fiberglass heat insulation layer with antiseptic treatment, in compliance with UL1181 and NFPA90A standards;

6. Applied to constant air volume unit or variable air volume unit.

7. Easily adjustable bypass port balancing dampers.

8. Sizes range from 4" (102) to 18" (457) with capacities from 100 to 5000 CFM. They are all tested in accordance with ANSIIASHRAE Standard 130-1996 and ARI 880-98  in an independent test laboratory.

【DOWNLOAD PDF:By-Pass Variable Air Volume Box.pdf】【Model Description

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